Tuesday 31 March 2015

Target audience

We can consider quite a lot of people to my target audience for the genre of photography that I have chosen to present in this project. I have decided to do fashion combined with portraiture, as they can be easily done together. Therefore I can have many kind of people looking at my work. First of all, we can consider fashion designers as my first target audience. They would definetly want to look at talk about my photos as it's going to be all based on fashion. It's going to be all about the models and the clothes that they are presenting. Of corse, fashion photographers may also be my another target audience. Most of my models are going to be age 16 to 20, therefore I would consider this aged girls as my other target audience, they would like to know what's in fashion now and what looks good on pictures. But there are also going to be kids in my photos which expands it a little bit, and we can also include girls aged around 10 as well as their parents to my target audience. There are a lot of fashion blogs now, all other the world, and I think fashion bloggers can be my target audience as well as I got a lot of inspiration from many fashion bloggers that I have found. As I also want include portaritures, my next taget audience can be make up artist as well as hair dressers.

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