Sunday 1 March 2015

Task 2A - creative glass photography

During this task, we were asked to use the light meter. We were asked to take the metering of the subject as well as the background, and then see what our average meter reading will be. 

This is my first photo of a light bulb. It's not very creative, as it has only been put on a white background, and then I have decided to take a photo just to see what a light bulb will look like, as it was the first time of me taking photos of a light bulb. 

This is my second photo of two light bulbs this time. I have decided to focus my camera on the second light bulb in the background instead of the light bulb in the front. I think this looks a little bit more interesting than the first light bulb being in focus. 

This is my next photo of a light bulb. I have decided to put the light bulb on a light box as I really liked the reflections, but unfortunately I didn't careful think about the background of the photo. 

This is my next photo of a light bulb inside a CD. I really like this idea, because I like the reflection in the Cd of the light bulb. I think it would look even more interesting if I would chose a different background instead of a wooden table.

This is my next photo of a light bulb. I have decided to put it on really interesting but dark stairs where there is a ray of sunlight shinning, and that's where I have decided to place the light bulb. I think this photo looks really interesting, as we can tell what the main subject is.

This is my next photo of a light bulb with a reflection in a mirror. I have decided to take a photo of a light bulb, placing it on a mirror, to create a nice reflection in front of it. I don't really like the background of the reflection. This time I have only done the metering reading of the light bulb.  

This is my next photo of a light bulb with a sun shine shadow. I like this idea, and the look of the reflection because it has created some really nice patterns, but the background doesn't match the rest of the photo as it was a quick photo and I didn't really think about what's in the background.

This is my next photo of a light bulb, this time I have decided to do a close up. I like it because you can see the details inside of the light bulb, which looks interesting. Also the background is not very disturbing which makes us concentrate only on the light bulb.

This is my next photo of a light bulbs. I have only decided to focus on the first light bulb, because I thought it would look interesting if there is a little bit of depth of field.

This is my next photo of a light bulb, very similar o my previous one, but I have also decided to do a close up of only one bulb because I think they look interesting on their own as well. 

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