Thursday 18 December 2014

Final studio photo shoot evaluation

These are my photos from my final studio photo shoot. From this photo shoot the most important thing that I have learnt is that back-up plan is sometimes the most important thing because unfortunately I had to use all of the back up plans that I have planned. First of all, my make-up artist didn't turn up, with no excuse, which made me spend an extra time on getting ready as I was looking and trying to contact my make-up artist as well as I had to do the make up with the help of my model. I have planned to bring make-up just in case and it was a good job that I did, because I was able to put make up on her.  Another thing which this time was my fault was that the horns that I made for my model were too heavy to stay on her head, so I had wasn’t able to use them, which meant I had to completely change my plan for photo shoot which was 15 minutes away. My model’s dress gave me an idea of doing a Cleopatra photo shoot. While she was adding a little bit of make-up, I did a very quick, 5 minute research of poses for Cleopatra. I was very happy with working with my model, as she was very confident in front of the camera and she was very happy as well as excited to help me. This made it a lot easier for me to do the photo shoot, with hardly any plan what so ever. During the photo shoot I was experimenting with different kinds of lights in the studio as well as poses. To say that I was very nervous about this photo shoot because of all the preparation which went wrong, I am happy with my final photos. I have easily picked few photos that I really liked and have a good reason to like them even though I had to completely change everything. 

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