Thursday 2 October 2014

My final photo shoot

 ROCK !!!

This photo shoot, was very successful. I have gained everything that I wanted and everything came out as I have planned. There was no trouble with model, location or the weather. I am happy with my final photos from this shoot.

Before and after

This is my first choice of final photo. I have decided to change the format of this photo from landscape to portrait. The main reason to do this was that I didn't want the useless background with really high depth of field, and by changing the format I could concentrate more on the hand which is the main subject in this photo. I have also decided to make the photo black and out, with pop out colour of my models hand, which I think made the photo look really more interesting.

In my second final photo, I didn't really have to change much. All I did was cropped out bottom of the photo as well as a little bit of right side of the photo to place the main subject in center. Then I have also changed colours a little bit, to make it look  a little bit more interesting, which I think worked quite well.

 In this photo I have just decided to change the contrast of the photo and play around a little bit with levels in photo shop, to add some lively colours to this picture because the original photo looks very dull.

 In this photo as we can see, I didn't change anything except lighting the photo up a little bit, because in my opinion it was a little bit too dark.

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Unfortunately this photo shoot didn't go as I have planned it. The weather was really bad and I wasn't able to take these photos in an outdoor location. I am happy with the photos even though I have changed the location from outdoor to indoor. The natural light coming from windows wasn't very good, therefore I had to use a lamp. Overall I have kept to plan as much as I could, all I have changed was the location because of the bad weather conditions.

Before and after

 In this photo I have changed quite a lot. The first thing that I was trying to do was to remove the shadow, to do this I have used a clone stamp tool in Photoshop. I have also played around with levels to see if there's anything that I can do to make this photo look better and then I have decided to do it black and white. But because it looked too boring and the reason of this photo shoot was to present fashion through music I did colour popping of bracelets which present reggae music and also a bit of make up, to make sure the photo is not plain.

 These two pictures, don't have much difference between them, because all I did was decreased the contrast a little bit as well I have darken the photo a little bit. 

 This is another photo from my reggae photo shoot. I have cropped out this photo, to get rid of light switch in the background that I didn't want. I have also removed a little bit of the shadow, again using clone stamp tool and to give the final effect I have overlayed some colours of reggae flag on the whole picture.

In this photo I haven't changed much. All I did was changed the contrast a little bit and made it black and white. 

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