Thursday 15 January 2015

Final location photo shoot evaluation

I have spent few days on doing my location photo shoot.  I have been taking photos during different family events, including Christmas as well as days out with family. I am happy with most of the photos. I have a variety of photos from outdoor as well as indoor location, few from night time and the rest from day time. It was very hard to take photos in an outdoor location as the weather is Poland was very cold, and it was hard to control the camera on a very cold as well as snowy day. That’s why I might not have a big selection of photos, but I was trying my best to take at least 5 photos per day when we were out in a location. Overall I have used an additional flash as well as tripod to take some night time photos. It was also nice taking photos of family, as I was confident to ask them to stand here or there. 

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