First studio photo shoot
Plan- My first studio photo shoot will be on the 16th of April at 1:30 pm. I have asked one of my friend to help me and to be my model for this photo shoot. I am planning to ask her to wear simple clothing (jeans, t-shirt, flat shoes) I will also ask her to bring some extra clothing like jacket and a hat. I have also already organized a make up artist, one of the make-up degree student at Bradford College. My model's make-up will include black&blue eye shadow, with a black eye liner and silver glitter underneath her eye, her lips will be soft pink colour. We have organized a time for 12:30 pm for the make up, which will take one hour to do and then me and my model will be ready to go into the studio and start our photo shoot. I will also print a page of example photos with different kind of poses etc, to help me and my model while we're in studio. I want to take all kinds of photos, full person, portraiture, while she's sat down etc. The lighting that I want to use in studio is soft box for most of the photos and snoot to create some photos with shadows. I will use snoot especially for portraiture.
Risk Assessment-
Assessment Reference:
Final Major Project
Activity Description:
Studio Photo Shoot
16th of April 2015
Marcelina Skrzypczynska
Review Date:
16th of April 2015
Assessment Team Members:
Overall Potential Risk Factor:
Course Details:
ED Photography
Level 3
Number of People Exposed:
Year 2
Names of People Exposed:
Gosia Gorska
Building-Place & Exact Location
Old building, Photography Studio
Is This An Acceptable Risk?
Persons At Risk and
Existing Control
Risk Level
Additional Control
Risk Level
– light gets hot quickly
sure my model knows about this
sure my model don’t go near them
– spill food or drink
drink can damage equipment in studio – no food/drink
anyone needs a drink they should go out of studio
Photos- Gosia
My first studio photos, from a photo shoot with my model Gosia include 5 different pictures. All have been from the same distance, the same composition, perspective as well as format. The lighting in the studio was the same one for each picture which was soft box. I have asked my model to change her pose after each time I take a shoot. This is what I have created after in Photoshop and I did this by putting the pictures onto new blank page, overlaying them a little bit so then I was able to use the lasso tool to select the joining of the photo, and by clicking delete on my keyboard I have feathered it which made the line between each picture blend in. After this I have cut the picture to make sure there are no white lines at the sides. I have also added a filter from the colour lookup adjustment and then also decreasing a little bit of contrast.
This is my second photo from my first photo shoot in studio. For both of these photos I have used light box. I have decided to put them together as I think they match together very well. The first picture looks very natural that's why I have picked it to along with the other portrait. They are both in a portrait format that's why they look nice and neat next to each other. I have also done a little bit of editing. I wanted to make her skin look really soft and by opening the RAW file of these two images in Photoshop I was able to do this with adjustment brush. I have selected the adjustment brush and decreased the clarity but also increased the exposure.
This is my last photo from my first studio photo shoot with Gosia. It's my favourite portrait from this photo shoot, done from a high angle while my model is sat down on the floor backwards to me, just turning her head around a little bit. I like this pose as we can clearly see the make up.The lighting that I have used for this picture is soft box, I really like the smooth effect that it has created and also the darker background. I have also the adjustment brush with RAW file of this photo to over and soften her face by decreasing the clarity and increasing the exposure.
Contact prints-
This is my contact print of the first edited photos from the studio photo shoot. I am very happy that I had the opportunity to work in the studio and I am also happy about the results of my photos. The work with model was very nice as well as the make up artist. We understood each other very well which made it a lot easier for us to work together. For my next photo shoot I want to concentrate on the style, and create few different looks during one photo shoot.
Second studio photo shoot
Plan- My second studio photo shoot will be on the 30th of April at 1:30 pm. This time, I have asked a friend that I have worked with before in studio and I know she's very confident with what she's doing. My model will bring five different dresses and play suit which we can also use as props, she will also bring three different pairs of high heels with her as well as jewelry including necklaces, rings, ear rings, watches, belts. I have also organized a make up artist, which is again, another make-up student from Bradford College, and we have decided to meet at 12:30 pm so that she can do the make-up for my model. Her make up will be very soft, it will include very light eye shadow, probably white&cream colour, she will also have a black eye liner, fake eye lashes and pink lips. I will take a lot of full person photos, as well as some portraiture. This time I would like to use different lighting in the studio. I would like to light the background with two reflectors at each side, and in front I would still like to use the soft box.
Risk Assessment-
Assessment Reference:
Final Major Project
Activity Description:
Studio Photo Shoot
30th of April 2015
| ||
Marcelina Skrzypczynska
Review Date:
| 30th of April 2015 |
Assessment Team Members:
Overall Potential Risk Factor:
| ||
Course Details:
ED Photography
| ||
Level 3
Number of People Exposed:
| |
Year 2
Names of People:
| Anna Matvejeva | |
Building-Place & Exact Location
Old building, Photography Studio
Is This An Acceptable Risk?
Persons At Risk and How
Existing Control Measures
Risk Level
Additional Control Measures
Risk Level
Model – light gets hot quickly
Make sure my model knows about this
Make sure my model don’t go near them
Everyone – spill food or drink
Spilt drink can damage equipment in studio – no food/drink
If anyone needs a drink they should go out of studio
Photos- Anna
This is my first photo from my second studio photo shoot with my model Anna. It's the same idea as I have done during my first studio photo shoot. The five pictures have been placed next to each other overlaying a little bit and then I have also used the lasso tool to feather it. I think this photo looks a little bit better as we can see five different styles and five completely different poses. I really like this idea. have used two reflectors to light up the background and a soft box for each of the five photos on this collage.
My next photo consider two photos from my photo shoot in studio with Anna, which match very well together. The photo has been done in the studio light of two reflectors at the back, brightening up the background and a soft box in front of the model. The two photos has been taken from the same perspective, distance to the model and format so that it was a lot easier for me after to put them two pictures together into one. I have first of all used the lasso tool again along with feathering to remove the joining line in between two pictures. Then I have decided to make the photo black and white but it looked a little bit boring so I have used the rubber to get the nice blue dresses.
This is my last portrait of Anna, from my second studio photo shoot. It is very similar to my portrait from the previous photo shoot. It's the same format, similar composition, the same perspective and more or less the same pose of the model. I really like this kind of portraits therefore I thought I will do the same one with this model. The light that I have used for this photo is the same as in any other photo in this photo shoot, which is two reflectors and a soft box.I have also, once again used the adjustment brush with RAW file, once again decreasing the clarity and increasing the exposure. I have used the brush for the face and her back to make it look and soft and to make sure that there are any unwanted spots.
Contact prints-
This is my second studio photo shoot, and on the contact prints we can see all of the edited photos from this photo shoot. I am very happy about this photo shoot, and it's definitely the best photo shoot during this project and any other project. I really enjoyed working with this model, as she wasn't shy and was very nice to work with. We were also very happy to work with the make-up artist. During this photo shoot I have learnt that it's a lot easier to work with a person who is very comfortable with what they're doing and have some kind of experience.
Third studio photo shoot
Plan- My third studio photo shoot will be on 7th of May at 11:30 am. This time I have decided to do it with a male model. I also want to experiment and go into a different kind of fashion, so this time I will be doing sport fashion of Muay Thai. My model will bring all of the clothing as well as equipments like gloves etc. that we need for this photo shoot. This time I will do a lot of action photos, of him jumping up, kicking etc. The lighting that I am going to use is soft box with two reflectors brightening up the background, I might also use snoot.
Risk assessment-
Assessment Reference:
Final Major Project
Activity Description:
Studio Photo Shoot
7th of May 2015
| ||
Marcelina Skrzypczynska
Review Date:
| 7th of May 2015 |
Assessment Team Members:
Overall Potential Risk Factor:
| ||
Course Details:
ED Photography
| ||
Level 3
Number of People Exposed:
| |
Year 2
Names of People:
| Radek Karabiowski | |
Building-Place & Exact Location
Old building, Photography Studio
Is This An Acceptable Risk?
Persons At Risk and How
Existing Control Measures
Risk Level
Additional Control Measures
Risk Level
Model – light gets hot quickly
Make sure my model knows about this
Make sure my model don’t go near them
Everyone – spill food or drink
Spilt drink can damage equipment in studio – no food/drink
If anyone needs a drink they should go out of studio
Accessories/ Movement
Model- jumping/ punching
Warn model to be carefull not to damage anything while prenetding to punch etc.
Show my model how far he can he punch/ jump
Photos- Rad
I have chosen three favourite photos from this photo shoot and this is the first one. I had to use two flashes one on the left side pointing to my models face and the other one on the right side pointing to the glove. I had to do this as when he was pointing out his right hand the glove was out or the light and it was really dark, it also wasn't clear what was going on. Another reason why I had to use two of them is because I have been using snoot which is really dark in general. Overall I am happy as I didn't have to do much editing on this photo, just added a little bit of contrast.
This is my second favourite picture which has also been done using snoot in the studio. I have edited it to black and white as I think it look more interesting.
For my last favourite photo I have picked this one. For this one I have also been using snoot but this time only one at left hand side. Overall I am happy with the framing as well as the composition.
Contact prints-
This is a contact print of all of my edited photos from my third studio photo shoot in studio. I am really happy about it as it was one of the most experimental photo shoot that I have done. It was really hard to use 50 mm lens while my model was jumping around and kicking. We wanted to make sure that the punched look natural and that's why I had to catch the moments in action. I really enjoyed it. The work with my model was very good, We got on well, giving each others ideas. I have used two different kinds of lights in the studio. The first one was the light box with two reflectors at the back, that's when we were trying to catch all of the kicks and jumps and the other one that I have used was two snoots, one on the right and the other one on the left. I had to use two because while my model was doing forward punches the glove kept coming out black as there was no light on it. That's why we had to use one snoot on his face and the other one on his glove. I am overall very happy about this photo shoot but if I was to do this again I would only use snoot.
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