Sunday, 1 March 2015

Task 2 continuation - breaking the rules

Spherical aberration research 

Using spherical aberration we can be very creative, and it can give us a really interesting effect at the end. In spherical aberration we include things like, unfocused cameras, distortion, putting things over your lens, using an old camera and removing the lens to make a pinhole camera or double expose the images. Especially with glass, all of the above things that I have listed can look very interesting and we can be very creative with it. Spherical aberration is an optical problem that occurs all incoming light rays end up focusing at different points after passing through a spherical surface. This results in the surface point appear to be a blurry circle.

My spherical aberration photos

This is my first photo of glass with breaking the rules. What I have decided to do is take a photo of a window but to make it look more interesting and related to this task, I have decided to put it on a long exposure, to create this effect. Not only I have decided to put it on a long exposure but also after pressing the shutter button I have decided to zoom it in on a window to create this effect of a window pulling us in. I really like this photo, but I think it would look even more interesting if I would have placed my camera on a tripod to get rid of camera shakes.

This is my next photo for this task. I have decided to take a photo of the bottom part of guitar which had some glass parts on it. Once again I have decided to set my camera to a long exposure to create moving effect. I am happy with the result I got, as the photo looks different and really messy and it's something I would always prefer not to do.

For my next photo of breaking the rules, I have decided to unfocused my camera on the first two bottles to create the foggy effect on the bottle in the background. I really like how this came out, and it shows that breaking the rules can sometimes be creative as we focus on the photo and try to figure out what's going on.

This is my next photo of breaking the rules. I have decided to do a lot longer exposure this time and do some photos of a movement. I like this idea, as I have only used to nail varnishes, and have been moving them around so that it looks like there's more. I know that you can see my hands, but it's good for this photo as it actually shows that I was using my hands to move them around.

This is my next photo of breaking the rules. This time I have decided to do a double exposure, I did this straight away from my camera. I have decided to take a photo of a building and then a photo of a crossing lights. I like the difference of the colours between them, I think it looks interesting.  

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