Thursday, 5 February 2015

Reflections in the mirror

My theme for this project is the reflection in the mirror. Therefore I have decided to do a research about it and see what other people have to say about it. I also wanted to research any kinds of techniques while doing reflection in the mirror, as well as the best setting on the camera that I would be able to use.Mirror reflection is the main technique you can use when doing reflections photography. Using mirror to capture reflection can produce some really interesting as well as creative images.

The most important tip to follow when using mirror reflection in our photos is to make sure that the mirror is clean. We don't really want a nice photo with dirty mirror, because that would definitely ruin the effect of the whole image. The image can also loose a quality. Another really good tip that I have found is not to use filters when working with reflections in the mirror. The filter would distort the image and make it look dull when working with mirrors. When choosing an object to place in front of a mirror, you can use almost anything. People are great for reflection photography. It is also important to use the best focal point when using mirrors. You can either focus on the mirror or the subject. From what I have been doing already I prefer to focusing on the mirror instead of the subject, especially in this project as the theme is glass. Because when focusing on the reflection, especially if I want to use people, is a great way to draw the attention to the mirror. But each focal point has its own benefit. When using flash, we need to pay an extra attention. It's often the best way not to use flash because it can produce some unwanted bright spots in the image. But if we choose to use a flash we need to make sure that we don't stand directly in front of the mirror. Another thing that we need to be careful about is any other light sources in the place that we're in. That's why I prefer to do my mirror reflection photos with the natural light. 

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