I have really enjoyed this project as it was different from everything that we did and I have also realized a lot of new important things in photography. I have gained a lot of inspiration from historical as well as contemporary food photographers. I have realized how big the difference is when it comes to composition or colour and the whole image it self in food photography between now and then. I have also done a research about how except from the composition, important also the light is in food photography, which then helped me in my next task with metering modes. With metering modes I was able to realize the difference between the images. I have done quite a few photo shoots in this projects within tasks as well as some extra ones and final photo shoot as well. Also the research about posters helped me get a lot of inspiration of what I want my final poster to look like. I have really enjoyed making the posters because I have learnt quite a lot of new things with the design as well as Photoshop which are very very useful. I am happy with my final photos as well as my final posters, because they show what I wanted them to show. My style of cafe is clear and I think it's easy to understand what each photo and poster presents.
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